Monday, August 27, 2018

Herons Nest 2 0 Free Realty

Herons Nest 2 0 Free Realty

As Froogle says, except for a house, a dirt runway, and a sea dock, theres little to get excited about regarding Herons Island 2.0, iBlueYonders latest freeware release. 

Except, that is, for the astounding quality and fastidious detail, the lifelike texturing and tangible atmosphere, but perhaps this is to be expected bearing in mind iBlueYonders pedigree including several ORBX releases and my favourite area, Tongass Fjords. 

Anyway, should you fancy getting away from it all for a short isolated break, then this is the perfect spot off the coast of Maine if (a) you find it and (b) land on it. 

Click on the above JPG to watch the video to see why this should be your next VFR, tailwheel, low fuel, no-GPS, seat of the pants destination. 

Bring food and beverages, as the nearest shops are back from where you started. 

visit link download