Sunday, July 29, 2018

Lenovo E40 70 Windows 7 32Bit 64Bit Driver

Lenovo E40 70 Windows 7 32Bit 64Bit Driver

      Maybe lots persons encounter the same circumstances : after the succession of building LIVE555, and execute the testRTSPClient to connect a rtsp server: the debug log  seems be pettey good; But when we damp the h264 data to be played by VLC or ffplay, that is unplayable. Of cource, if we deliver the h264 data to a h264 decoder directly, there would occur error always.

   I found there is no article being concise with complete code  in the website, I fill it in here.

The code base on LIVE555 estProgs estRTSPClient.cpp.

modify the constructor and destructor of DummySink as below, it is about line 479:

unsigned char *pH264 = NULL;

DummySink::DummySink(UsageEnvironment& env, MediaSubsession& subsession, char const* streamId)
: MediaSink(env),
fSubsession(subsession) {
fStreamId = strDup(streamId);
fReceiveBuffer = new u_int8_t[DUMMY_SINK_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE];
pH264 = (unsigned char*)malloc(256*1024);

DummySink::~DummySink() {
delete[] fReceiveBuffer;
delete[] fStreamId;
if(NULL != pH264)


And modify afterGettingFrame (the one with debug log ) as

void DummySink::afterGettingFrame(unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
struct timeval presentationTime, unsigned /*durationInMicroseconds*/) {
// Weve just received a frame of data. (Optionally) print out information about it:
if (fStreamId != NULL) envir() << "Stream "" << fStreamId << ""; ";
envir() << fSubsession.mediumName() << "/" << fSubsession.codecName() << ": Received " << frameSize << " bytes";
if (numTruncatedBytes > 0) envir() << " (with " << numTruncatedBytes << " bytes truncated)";
char uSecsStr[6+1]; // used to output the microseconds part of the presentation time
sprintf(uSecsStr, "%06u", (unsigned)presentationTime.tv_usec);
envir() << ". Presentation time: " << (int)presentationTime.tv_sec << "." << uSecsStr;
if (fSubsession.rtpSource() != NULL && !fSubsession.rtpSource()->hasBeenSynchronizedUsingRTCP()) {
envir() << "!"; // mark the debugging output to indicate that this presentation time is not RTCP-synchronized
envir() << " NPT: " << fSubsession.getNormalPlayTime(presentationTime);
envir() << " ";
printf("__FUNCTION__ = %s ", __FUNCTION__ );
if(0 == strncmp(fSubsession.codecName(), "H264", 16))
unsigned char nalu_header[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
unsigned char extraData[256];
unsigned int num = 0;

SPropRecord *pSPropRecord;
pSPropRecord = parseSPropParameterSets(fSubsession.fmtp_spropparametersets(), num);

unsigned int extraLen;
extraLen = 0;

//p_record[0] is sps
//p+record[1] is pps
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num; i++){
memcpy(&extraData[extraLen], &nalu_header[0], 4);
extraLen += 4;
memcpy(&extraData[extraLen], pSPropRecord[i].sPropBytes, pSPropRecord[i].sPropLength);
extraLen += pSPropRecord[i].sPropLength;
}/*for i*/

memcpy(&extraData[extraLen], &nalu_header[0], 4);
extraLen += 4;

delete[] pSPropRecord ;

memcpy(pH264, &extraData[0], extraLen);
memcpy(pH264 + extraLen, fReceiveBuffer, frameSize);

int totalSize;
totalSize = extraLen + frameSize;

static FILE *fp = fopen("saved.h264", "wb");

fwrite(pH264, 1, totalSize, fp);
printf(" saved %d bytes ", totalSize);
}/*if 0 == strncmp(fSubsession.codecName(), "H264", 16)*/

// Then continue, to request the next frame of data:

That is, LIVE555 server  omits the SPS(Sequence Parameter Set) and PPS(Picture Parameter Set) parser information of each h264 slice.

Here  I compliment SPS and PPS  flag, which be "0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01".

You could refer to here for more detail about SPS and PPS.

visit link download