Saturday, June 30, 2018

Lenovo ThinkPad E550 Drivers Download

Lenovo ThinkPad E550 Drivers Download

I got this through the maillist and I have to admit that even though Im not a graphical interface kind of person, the idea is awesome!

Its a new concept of having a "desktop" where you treat it like you treat your own desk: Have stuff laying around, stuff pinned to the wall, stuff piled up, ...etc.

If youre a person who liked graphical effects and like to interact with your computer, I think this fits you quite well! (It even has themes!)

The original video of the idea is here. It explains the idea & its origin.

Software: -- Currently Windows only, but you can vote for Linux &/| Mac.

If you run this software, kindly leave your feed back here, or link back to me with your own review of it.

visit link download